Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Choosing people who choose you because we are all worthy of love

 Life be funny sometimes 

You have a crush on someone 

But that person likes someone else

But the person they like doesn't like them back either 

And it can be a never ending chain of  people who just want what they can't have

Or who miss out on great people who are infatuated with them who they could have great potential with 

Yet are too busy obsessing over someone else who doesn't see their worth or who is too busy obsessing over someone else to give them a chance 

Even though there could be a great connection there

Sometimes it is hard to believe that someone else sees you in that light

It is hard to accept that you are worthy and deserving for people to see the best in you

The way you see the best in others

Sometimes it feels out of the blue if you feel like they don't know you well enough or you feel like you haven't done anything to earn or deserve their love

But the truth is we are all worthy without doing anything 


Just for being who we are

Cheers to me trying to break that cycle 

Going where I'm wanted

Choosing the people who choose me

Giving a chance to people who see my worth

Believing I deserve it 

Without feeling the need to earn it 

I am worthy

I deserve love

Just for being exactly who I am

Flaws and all

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