Saturday, November 28, 2020

Note to self: Don't be so hard on yourself

 Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself because : 

And this is why you have to go easy on yourself, you are stuck with you and at the end of the day you are all you got. The only one who you can't leave is you.

It can be hard to forgive yourself when your mistakes caused harm to others, caused you to lose a job or lose a friend.

But beating yourself up and dwelling on your mistakes does nothing to help. 

You deserve all the forgiveness and love you give so easily to other people.

Don't go so easy on yourself that you make the same mistakes and never learn your lesson but don't punish yourself forever either.

You can't rewind and start over to undo your mistakes. 

All you can do is learn from them, grow, improve and do better next time.

The universe has a way of throwing the same challenges your way until the lesson is learned or triggering the same wounds until you learn to heal your wound and respond with peace and not react with the insecurities of your ego.

Some of my wounds I am learning to heal from and not trigger me are feelings of being misunderstood, ignored, or abandoned.

What do you need to forgive yourself for and wounds do you still need to heal?

Answering these questions will help you forgive yourself and others, become a better person, and live a more peaceful and fulfilling life.