Monday, December 20, 2021


 It's ok that it has taken me longer to figure out what I want to do with my life.

I appreciate and value the experiences that it took for me to get there and all of the lesson I learned from it all.

I am content with my current occupation, helping the kiddos become good little human beings. It has meaning.

I will manifest my dreams of becoming a social worker/counselor, making a difference in people's lives, a meaningful career.

I will manifest my dreams of traveling.

I manifest finding my people, meaningful connections.

I will manifest a happy life.

I will be present and content in the current moment rather than always needing to strive for more but also find balance in working towards always growing, learning, improving and creating a good future.

I love myself, I accept myself and my flaws.

I will focus on my strengths not my insecurities but also strive to improve the things I can change.

I won't be too hard on myself. But will hold myself accountable to always try to be better

I will be the change I wish to see in the world. 

 I will always remember to be thankful for my life and all that I have,who and what I get to experience